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Certified Hike Leaders Course

  • Bayfield Lions Building 6 Municipal Road Bayfield, ON, N0M 1G0 Canada (map)

Hike Leader Course, certified by Hike Ontario
Date: Saturday April 27, 2019
Time: 9:00 – 4:30
Location: Bayfield Lions Building, 6 Municipal Road, Bayfield

Learn to lead safe and enjoyable hikes. 

This one-day certification course will cover things such as preparation for leading a hike, backpack recommendations, risk management, advertising, monitoring, trail etiquette, to name only a few.

Successful participants receive a manual, wallet card and badge. Graduates will relate to experienced hike leaders to mentor their first experiences as leaders.

Instructor: Tom Friesen

Cost: $60.00

Registration & more details: Hike Ontario Website -

Click on “Take a course”, “Course Calendar” and select “Bayfield” location

This course is open to anyone interested and is sponsored by the Bayfield River Valley Trails Association

Hike Leaders Course.jpg
Earlier Event: April 22
Annual Village Litter Walk
Later Event: April 30
Refresher Hike Leaders Course